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Is It Better to Lease or Buy a Copier?

Sometimes buying a printer can be a big investment, especially if you are not sure about your long-term business needs or goals.

Additionally, since technology is changing and evolving so rapidly, your equipment may be out of date before it actually stops working.

As technology becomes cheaper and more efficient, you may actually save money buy investing in a newer device (or rather having a 3 year lease and swapping out for a new device when your contract is up).

Let’s explore these ideas further…

The copiers and printers of today’s day and age are nothing like what they will be in 10 or 15 years, just like they aren’t like the machines from the 1990’s. Having the option to upgrade your machine every few years allows you to take advantage of new developments, tools and functions that can help your office be more productive and efficient. This benefit can be invaluable.

However, many businesses rely on being debt free, so purchasing a machine outright and owning it is preferable. While the up-front costs can be high, you would not have ongoing payments or rack up any interest on a lease.

For most businesses, leasing a copier gives you the flexibility to change machines as your business needs evolve and technology changes.

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