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Why do I need a Managed Print Services Provider?

As a business owner or office manager, one of your top priorities is to plan and budget for systems that create the most efficient work environment possible. The highest profile areas, such as sales or customer service departments, are likely to get the most attention. However, over time, there is one business function that tends to be overlooked yet can account for up to 10% of your overall budget: your print environment.

Printing is not as simple as pushing a button on your computer screen. You must have the right equipment for your needs, the correct supplies, the ability to coordinate across desktop and mobile devices, and a quick resolution plan for troubleshooting. Optimizing your print infrastructure will save money, increase efficiency and reduce waste.

However, while your IT department may be capable of resolving some print issues, working with experts through a managed print service (MPS) program will guarantee cost and time saving benefits.

Once a managed print service plan is in place, you will see significant upfront operational savings. Lamah Multivision Managed Print Services is your best choice.

Contact us at (612) 501-5624 or email us

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